

5 days to go…!!!


go washing three-month-never-wash-denim
meet friends. Go enjoy mase remajer
sleep all day long
go shopping the necessary
meet atuk at kampong. Need to seek for her bless and money..bolehkan atuk?
kibau perfume besh kakak
tidy up bedroom(museum-to-be)
photocopy approved documents
strengthen mental n physical
go diet. hahhahha

not again..


God put us split for some reasons I guess.
Pray for your happiness..
How sucks it is.
Only god knows

live happily ever after

Musim cuti sekolah memang ramai orang kahwin. Pegi je le mane2. adeje bunga manggar sangkut kat tiang elektrik, singboard jalan, stop-lock-go (traffic light) n kat maner je le ikot dan. Lagi2 bile kene lak tarikh yang cun macam 06.06 yang lepas.
Kalau makan tu no problem la. Tapi at the end, kne bagi duet salam kaut tu sian lak kat tuan rumah. Kalu da byk sangat jemputan, mestile kene adil nak bagi kan. Kene lak bagi sikit2 kang banyak lagi uma nak kene bagi..huh, fenomena yang selalu terjadi kat malaysia.
Ni bukan le nak cakap sajer2 but it dfnitely happen to me. 2 of my cousins were getting married exactly at the same day n time. It such a great experience to me where I need to run here n there to join both wedding. Lets share the moment…

finally he get married..

my cousin, abang hasbul, with kak linda

creadits for the photographer.

thanks to me..hehe

diz ma bloody sis..
she used to silat during perform tepung tawar..
bikin kene bahan..

use to eat at meja pengantin..

groom and bride seems to malu2, but not us..

bedal habis tambah2 tengah lapor..

sedap..thank you, mak pengantin!

diz ma another csin..

farah alya..

waa..she got married before me!!